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Leadership Training: Basics for Successful Leaders (Engl.)

Details zum Seminar

  • Beschreibung

    Effective communication skills and the ability to delegate are core qualities of successful leaders. More often than not, people are promoted to managerial positions based on their education or by having developed extraordinary professional expertise.

    They take on their new role usually unprepared for the challenges ahead and unaware of the pitfalls and traps in dealing with people. Consequently this leads to frustration, ineffectiveness and eventually to failure. Failure not only towards the company but to themselves as well.

    The training provides participants with essential knowledge about leadership and encourages them to take on their new role in a self-confident way.


    + Leadership techniques and core qualities (e.g. communication and delegation)
    + Leading, encouraging, managing direct reports
    + Developing and fine tuning a uniquely individual leadership style

    Seminar Contents (2 Days):

    + Basic Concepts – Leadership qualities, tasks and skills of successful leaders, concept of “Emotional Intelligence”
    + Leadership Styles – Classic distinctions, empirical findings, individual positioning
    + Leadership and Identity – Tasks of leaders, expectations towards leaders, sandwich position, identifying with the leading role, motivating direct reports
    + Leadership Techniques – Delegation principles, contracts, tracking and consequences
    + Effective Communication – Basics, listening and dialogue, dialogue blockades, giving feedback, confronting, performance dialogues etc.
    + Dealing with Conflicts – Recognizing conflicts and psychological games, prevention of conflicts
    + Leadership in Multi-cultural Environments: e.g. Leading international teams, etc.



    Beginn: 05.05.2025
    Ende: 06.05.2025



    40547 Düsseldorf, Lütticher Str. 132



    Leaders, new leaders, team leaders, project managers






    980,-€ + 19% VAT (per person)


    weitere Informationen im Internet unter




    English & Intercultural Communication
    Dipl-Psych. Beatrix Stahlberger
    40547 Düsseldorf
